

Drs. Matt and Trish Hammett sought out to learn from the legends in chiropractic. Realizing that the original edition of Think and Grow Rich is considered the ‘DNA of success literature’, Drs. Hammett wanted to learn how the leaders with in their profession utilized this philosophy to shape chiropractic and the future of health care tomorrow. Starting with their living mastermind list, Dr. Trish interviewed every leader on the list. The results… Startling! What was at one time, an exciting project snowballed into something massive! The fact! Everyone of the mastermind members still living contributed their success both personal and public to Napoleon Hill. The fact! Napoleon Hill himself considered BJ Palmer (the developer of chiropractic) to be his mentor. The fact! Napoleon Hill’s son, Blair, was helped by chiropractic! It is the author’s opinion, that Hill’s philosophy may inspire doctors from all professions and help discover a solution to our health care crisis! Today, we see Napoleon Hill’s words spoken at almost every seminar on leadership, business environments, entrepreneurs, and even with in government.

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